

Blabbermouth AKA Gossips

BLABBERMOUTH AKA GOSSIPS  Follow us on Youtube Instagram Are you being a blabbermouth spilling the beans where it shouldn’t be? Hey relax. Is it complicated? Are you tired of gossips? Read on to find out what bible wants us to…

The importance of Repentance

The importance of Repentance Follow us on Youtube Instagram From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”  – Matthew 4 : 17 Have you repented? Have…

Why worry when you can pray

Words can build up someone or destroy someone. Which camp do you belong to? Follow us on Youtube Instagram  Worry is a type of emotion which can make you feel anxious or troubled about the actual or potential problem. Why…

Humble in spotlight

Humble in spotlight Follow us on Youtube Instagram What actually is true humility?  It is being free from pride and arrogance. Proud people look at their life with telescope and others life with a microscope. But with the humble people…

Shameless Persistence Theorem


Shameless Persistence Theorem Follow us on Youtube Instagram Persistence is sticking to something in spite of difficulty and opposition. God wants you to have shameless persistence when you come before him. TheoremLuke 11 : 9 says,”And so I tell you,…