Our Latest Blogs

You are always valuable before God. His words are true and eternal. God is our father and he is the only source of all comfort. These blogs will help you to get closer with god.

Daddy and Daughter duo - Loving each other


    Jairus was the leader of a local synagogue in Israel during the time of Jesus. He had a lovely daughter. He loved her so much. Everyday when daddy came back from the synagogue his princess would run over to him and leap over him and kiss him. She would play with him. How the daddy daughter duo would have enjoyed together? Daddy can’t stay happy without seeing his daughter.  Daughter falls sick     One day the daughter fell sick. She got a fever. It wasn’t reducing at all. It rose higher and higher. The daughter became bed

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Blabbermouth AKA Gossips

BLABBERMOUTH AKA GOSSIPS  Follow us on Youtube Instagram Are you being a blabbermouth spilling the beans where it shouldn’t be? Hey relax. Is it complicated? Are you tired of gossips? Read on to find out what bible wants us to know about gossiping, the source of gossips, consequences of gossiping and how to overcome this habit of gossiping.  What is meant by gossip in general English?       Gossip is a casual or unconstrained conversation or report about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as true. The definition is very clear as it states spreading details that

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How do you respond during distress

How to respond to great distress in life? Follow us on Youtube Instagram     David was one of the greatest men that ever lived. His relationship with God is remarkable. David killed Goliath before becoming king of Israel, and as a result, Saul, the king of Israel at the time, felt envious of David and began to sue him. During this time, David fled from King Saul and sought refuge with King Achish of Gath. He was accompanied by 600 men and their families. David asked King Achish for one of the cities so that he and his family might

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How to Conquer Anger: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Anger.

How to Conquer Anger: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Anger. What does bible say about getting angry? Follow us on Youtube Instagram      There are 6 basic types of emotions human beings face throughout their lifetime. They are Happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger and Surprise. Anger is one of the basic emotions that human beings express. Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, being provoked and filled with displeasure and hostility. Bible doesn’t tell that we can’t express anger at all. So what does bible say about getting angry?Ephesians 4 : 26 – 31 says,    If you’re angry don’t sin

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The importance of Repentance

The importance of Repentance Follow us on Youtube Instagram From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”  – Matthew 4 : 17 Have you repented? Have you confessed your sins? Do you know about repentance? So, what is repentance?  First of all, do you know God? Do you know the characters of God? If you don’t know God’s character please turn to Psalms 103 : 8,  1. God is merciful and tender towards those who don’t deserve it; means he is Compassionate. 2. He is slow

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Why worry when you can pray

Words can build up someone or destroy someone. Which camp do you belong to? Follow us on Youtube Instagram  Worry is a type of emotion which can make you feel anxious or troubled about the actual or potential problem. Why do we worry? We worry when we think about a situation in a pessimistic way or in a negative way. It is not an issue to look at problems in the other way round. But it becomes an actual problem when you start to ponder on it.  Where does worry come from? For example, say you need a job very

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