Shameless Persistence Theorem

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Persistence is sticking to something in spite of difficulty and opposition. God wants you to have shameless persistence when you come before him.

Luke 11 : 9 says,
“And so I tell you,
  • Keep on asking – and you will receive what you ask for.
  • Keep on seeking – and you will find.
  • Keep on knocking – and the door will be opened to you. “
God specifically asks you to be persistent in three things,
  1. Asking
  2. Seeking
  3. Knocking
Lets see in detail about asking. 
God has given the free choice of asking. What do you ask to God today? There were many people in the Bible who asked for what they wanted and it was granted.
The Syrophoenician woman
    Now, let us see a lady who was persistent in asking and got what she wanted. Let us turn to 
Matthew 15 : 22 – 28
    One day Jesus was sitting with his disciples in a house. A woman approached him and says, “My daughter is demon possessed and I beg you to have mercy on me”. She was in complete distress. She was really tired of all the troubles her daughter made. But she knew who had the solution. Even in our lives, it might seem you’re stuck with a problem and there is no way out. God wants you to ask him about the thing which is impossible for you. God will never fail you. Coming back, Jesus gave no reply to her. But the woman was pestering Jesus. Even the disciples got irritated. They said send her away. But the woman didn’t give up. She continued to ask. Jesus was just checking her faith. 
    Jesus said, ” I wasn’t sent to help the gentiles”. But again the woman came and said, Sir! help me. Man what a shameless persistence. Sometimes you might ask God for a blessing but it might feel your issue has not been answered yet. During such times God asks you to have shameless persistence in keeping on asking. It is very difficult to develop such attitude, but it can be developed by reading the word of God and writing them in the tablet of your heart. When your heart is filled with his word, there would not be any place for doubts or fear.
    I don’t know how she developed such attitude. She strongly believed that God is always bigger than her problems. It is always tempting to lose hope when everything turns up against you. Never lose hope. Now, Jesus tests her persistence the third time. Now he says, “It doesn’t seem right to take the bread from the children and throw it to the dogs”. Jesus went to the extreme of comparing her to dog. These words didn’t make her angry. Her focus was not on her. But her focus was on her problem and the person who has the solution for her problem. Nothing could distract her. When I try to fit myself in her shoes, I would have become so sad that Jesus had compared me with a dog. I would have left the place immediately losing my persistence. 
    But, the woman didn’t lose her persistence. She continued, Yes! Lord, for even the puppies beneath the table are permitted to eat the crumbs that fall. Wow! What a shameless persistence. I totally agree that it is very difficult to have the same attitude that the woman had. Jesus was amazed at her faith and he gave her what she asked for.
Luke 11 : 9, 10. 
Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Everyone who asks receives.

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