Words can build up someone or destroy someone. Which camp do you belong to?

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word cloud about positivity

Moses was one of the most holy men who ever lived. He never said anything on his own during his time serving God. He made all of his decisions after talking with God. We make many big decisions on our own in our daily lives. Do you consult God before making a decision? Go to God the next time and ask if he wants you to make that particular decision in your life.

One day, God instructed Moses to send spies to the promised land of Canaan to spy it out and report on the land they would be residing in. This is explained in detail in

Numbers 13 : 1-2 (The living bible)

“Jehovah now instructed Moses, Send spies into the land of Canaan – the land I am giving to Israel; send one leader from each tribe.” 

Moses assigned these twelve leaders from Israel’s twelve clans to scout the region and report back to Moses. Caleb and Joshua, two young men filled with the spirit of God and wisdom from on high, were among them.

They travelled around Canaan for forty days and returned with reports. Each person had their own perspective. In Numbers 13:27-32, we see the reports they bought back. The following were the words from pessimistic people’s reports:

“32 v, So the majority of the spies was negative: The land is full of warriors , the people powerfully built;”

In contrast, we see the reports bought by Caleb and Joshua in verse 30,

“30 v, But Caleb reassured the people as they stood before Moses. “Let us go up at once and possess it”, he said, “for we are well able to conquer it” .”

There were optimistic people as well as pessimistic people in the group. When we look at at the ratio of optimistic and the pessimistic group, it was 2:10.

We can observe that the ratio is still the same in today’s world. What makes this situation even more tragic is that the pessimistic community is not hiding off somewhere in the world. However, this is only true among believers.

When the Lord led the children of Israel out of Egypt, he performed numerous wonders. Nonetheless, they couldn’t anchor their belief in him. It was because they didn’t always put their trust in God. They had forgotten that God is sufficient for all of their needs.

We can also find an analogy in our own life. God has performed numerous miracles in your life, but you continue to refuse to believe and trust him. Even so, you appear to be juggling your faith. Do you have any doubts about God? It’s as if you’re asking the universe’s creator, “Do you know how to solve this problem?” He is the fount of all wisdom, and nothing is difficult for him to accomplish.

Are you someone who spreads good news? Caleb and Joshua both had a strong faith in God. The ten other leaders, on the other hand, had their faith anchored in the circumstances. Your words can either be a great medicine that heals someone’s wounds or a knife that deepens the wound. Your words can either be a blessing that brightens someone’s day or a curse that makes someone’s day worse.

When you are tempted to lose faith run to the presence of God. You will definitely find peace that passes all understanding in your heart.

It is up to you to decide whether you will say words of faith and save your fellow brother or sister, or if you will willingly destroy your own life as well as the lives of others.

To conclude, Ephesians 4:29 says,

“Don’t use bad language. Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to, and what will give them a blessing.”

Examine yourself to see whether you are speaking words of positivity and encouragement or are you speaking words of negativity and discouragement.

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