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Are you being a blabbermouth spilling the beans where it shouldn’t be? Hey relax. Is it complicated? Are you tired of gossips? Read on to find out what bible wants us to know about gossiping, the source of gossips, consequences of gossiping and how to overcome this habit of gossiping. 

What is meant by gossip in general English?


    Gossip is a casual or unconstrained conversation or report about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as true. The definition is very clear as it states spreading details that are not confirmed as true. 

What does bible say about gossips?

1 Corinthians 12 : 20 says,
Gossip is nothing but,

  • Saying wicked things about each other.
  • Whispering against each others back.
  • Not spreading good things but those that are filled with conceit and disunity.

What a great sin it is to talk behind the back of others. Only cowards tend to speak behind others back as there are very much afraid of confronting the reality. Most of the time when we gossip we spread false reports. Hence we are violating the commandment of God, ” You must not tell lies” (Deuteronomy 5 : 20)

What is the source of all these gossips?


Photo by Hayes Potter on Unsplash

The TONGUE has the power of life and death. Those who love it will eat its fruits. (Proverbs 18:21).
Our big mouth and our one and only Tongue” is the source of such a commotion.  Tongue is the small part of the body but what enormous damage it can do. A huge forest can be set on fire with a spark. Tongue is like that spark. It is full of wickedness and sets fire easily that can turn our lives into a great disaster.

What are the consequences of gossiping?

  • When we talk bad things about others to a brother or sister, we are sowing seeds of bitterness in their hearts. 
  • As bitterness grows, hatred and enmity fills the heart. When hatred is ripe, it will lead to loss of peace and unity. 
  • It will also cultivate an unforgiving attitude. 
  • When we are unforgiving, an evil spirit will enter our heart and the holy spirit will leave us. Oh what a woe when the holy spirit will leave us.
  •  It betrays the trust a person has on you (Proverbs 11:13).
  • Gossips even separates close relationships.  Are you a breaker of relationships? Examine yourself.
  • They can even separate closest friends.

How can we overcome this attitude?


It is very difficult to overcome this nature on our own. But it doesn’t mean we don’t have a solution. We have a permanent solution to this habit. Out of the fullness of heart mouth speaks says the bible. 

  • Fill your hearts with the word of God. How to fill the heart with the word of God? By reading the word of God that is the bible. Meditate on the words which speaks to your heart. This isn’t easy at the start. Make it a practice to read the bible everyday. Anything practiced for 21 days becomes a habit says a research. When the word of God fills your heart then all the junk which is inside is washed out.
  • Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to what will give them a blessing.(Ephesians 4 : 29). Don’t use bad language.
  • Ask help from God to keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.
  • Ask God to set a guard over your mouth. Tell God to keep watch over the door of your lips.
With God all things are possible and we can do all things through him who strengthens us.
Let God help us to overcome this habit and live a peaceful life with one another. May God bless you.

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