Read carefully and do as per the instructions.

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Read and do as per the instructions

What is an instruction?

An instruction is a precise directive or command that explains how something should be done or operated. Instructions are given wherever they are needed, in whatever field. They’re given to us so that we can have a head start on handling the merchandise.

 A documentation is available for every programming language.

There are instructions to operate a machine.

There are instructions to operate an aircraft. Likewise, life is extremely valuable, and we must treat it with care.

So, the instructions are provided by the maker or inventor of the material or commodity.

 But, how do we find the instructions for life and who is the author of those instructions?

God has made us and he is the author of the book of instruction, The Bible. The Bible has over 1050 instructions. When there are so many instructions, it is very hard to remember them and we tend to forget them. That is why God has told to follow this in 

Joshua 1:8,

” Study the book of instructions continually. Mediate on it day and so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then you will prosper and succeed in all you do.”

Three steps to remember the instructions

1. Study

Studying entails devoting your time and attention to a thorough examination and study of the situation. Studying is how you learn. God is looking for your undivided attention. The time you set aside just for him. Do not engage in any other activities. Give God your best. Give God the first part of your day. Next, make it a practice to read the Bible on a regular basis. God wants you to grow into that person.

2. Meditate

Meditation entails delving deeply into a matter. When you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thinking, he will reveal many truths that are buried in this book of instruction. When you meditate, you’re actually applying a lot of thought to the subject. When you meditate, it has a profound effect on your life, and you are more likely to follow instructions. God gives you the spirit of obedience when you meditate.

3. Promise by God

If we are attentive to follow the two stages correctly, we will undoubtedly prosper and succeed in everything we undertake. What a wonderful promise.

Take time and spend your devoted time with God.

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